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New Album Release in April!

NEW CD release in April! Dr. Peter Zisa is excited to announce the release of Meridional Odyssey Volume 2: Music of Cuba, Mexico, and Brazil. More details to follow!

Playing the Guitar Can Help Those with ADD and Improve Your Memory!

According to research at University of Zurich <www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/6447588/Playing-a-musical-instrument-makes-you-brainier.html> learning to play a musical instrument, such as the guitar, helps people develop better mental focus and increased memory. This benefit is […]

Peter Zisa at Vanguard University

Dr. Peter Joseph Zisa was a featured artist on February 23 and 24th Guitar Festival at Vanguard University, located in Santa Ana California. The Vanguard Guitar Festival was organized by […]

Zisa Student Gracie Flowerday Receives Guitar

The Portland Guitar Society recently gifted a guitar to Gracie Flowerday, a student of Peter Joseph Zisa. This high quality guitar was donated to PGS by Dawn Waugh which had belonged to her […]